As a followup to the first Annual Report in 2011, this second, 2012 Annual Report documents the accomplishments of the past year, in which
• Fully staffed the Offi ce of Green Infrastructure with Engineers and Project Managers;
• Awarded $3.4 million through the Green Infrastructure Grant Program to design and construct green
infrastructure on private property;
• Adopted Design Standards for the Right-of-way Bioswale and received approval from the New York City
Public Design Commission;
• Worked with the Green Infrastructure Task Force to initiate Area-wide Contracts for the design and construction
of green infrastructure in our City’s streetscapes and on public property;
• Met all 2012 green infrastructure milestones of the Modifi ed Consent Order including completing construction
of the 26th Ward Neighborhood Demonstration Area Project in East New York; and
• Met with elected offi cials, community boards, local organizations, and notifi ed over 25,000 New Yorkers
that green infrastructure was coming to their neighborhoods.
This report provides specifi c details about these developments and more. In October 2012, Hurricane Sandy made
landfall in the Northeast, bringing fi erce winds and unprecedented tidal storm surge to New York City. As we join
communities in the recovery effort, we recognize the important role green infrastructure plays in creating a resilient
city that can not only manage its stormwater but recover more quickly from the impacts from climate change.
Read the report HERE